Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 4, 2015

Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) have 4 petals, but the flower at the very bottom is an anomaly with 5 petals! Folklore says that when you find a 5-petal bluet, you can make a wish after you've eaten the flower.

Crabapples are stunning flowering trees in the Rose family. This photo is of cultivar Strawberry Parfait in full bloom.

April 30, 2015

Serviceberry (Amelanchier) flowers are somewhat similar to Pear tree flowers, but have thinner petals and there is a reddish tint to the leaves.

Norway spruce (Picea abies) male cones are small and bright pink.

April 17, 2015

It's not a dandelion! Although also in the Aster family, Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) is an early spring flower that prefers wet habitats.

Magnolia trees show off their flowers in very early spring. Star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) is a popular ornamental tree native to Japan.

Male ash tree (Fraxinus americana) flowers have just emerged.